
Remedial Soft Tissue Therapy, Movement and Health Coaching

A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellbeing

We all know that living a healthy lifestyle is important for our long term health and wellbeing, but sticking to a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, getting off the couch or out of the office chair, enjoying more time outside and adding more movement into our daily lives can be a real challenge.

But fear not! We are here to help. With expert knowledge, a clear plan and some encouraging accountability we can help you to reach your health and wellness goals.

  • Exercise vs Movement – What is the Difference?

    Exercise vs Movement – What is the Difference?

    Aren’t Movement and Exercise the Same Thing? We all understand the concept and importance of exercise. But what about movement? Aren’t movement and exercise the same thing? Well, no, not exactly. Let’s have a look at movement vs exercise. What is Exercise? Exercise is an activity that raises your heart rate and improves aerobic or…